This too shall Pass - Stay Grateful



Life is so unpredictable, just recently, I was excited buying retirement gifts for my dad and my whole family was busy preparing for his retirement party.  Within a short span of two weeks, my family has to make a painful decision to postpone this party. 

This  decision is due to the outbreak of Covid-19,outbreak that WHO has formally termed it as a pandemic.  Governments all over the world advocate everyone to be socially responsible, to embrace social distancing, stay at home and do not organise large gatherings and practice good personal hygiene, which are critical measures to flatten the curve in order to contain the virus.

During this period of time, we hear of bad news daily, on the number of new cases and confirmed deaths, including heartbreaking stories happening around the world.  The impact this virus has on our daily lives is a grim reminder to me that life is fragile and to be thankful for what we have.  Be grateful and do not sweat over small stuff.

We, human beings, tend to take a lot of things for granted and unfortunately, we come to realise it only when we "lose" it.  For example, activities that we deemed as mundane, such as commutting to work, winding down at pubs for drinks, going to the gym for workouts, having a walk at the parks, watching movies are prohibited now.  Previously, we will complain of getting sick winding down at those same old pubs or complain that we have to go through our gruelling session of a Les Mills class at the gym again.  But now, we cannot even perform these mundane activities.  As a result, I have come to realise that we were so fortunate previously and did not count our blessings. 

I have also come to realise that what we have are things that people WISH they have. There are people who have problems making ends meet, having a drink at the pub is something that they can only dream of.  There are people who cannot afford gym membership or are not physically abled to to gym.  There are people who are jobless, hence do not need to commute to work daily.

This realisation makes me resolve that from this very moment, I will be grateful for what I have and to count every day alive as a blessing.  Use this stay at home timely wisely to look at our priorities in life and ensure that we continue to stay in touch with the family members and friends that matter in our lives.

We should also remember to pay gratitude to the unsung heroes, the medical healthcare workers who stay at work because of us, so please, let us stay at home because of them. 

Now is the time for all of us mankind to be united and do the right thing, so that we can resume back to our daily lives soon.  Though we are inconvenienced by the current situation, this too shall pass, let's continue to stay positive and be socially responsible so that the virus can be eradicated soon.